• 姓名: 王志勇
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 湖南工业大学
  • 土木工程学院



1、  Analysis of Condensing Combination Gas Boiler Energy Utilization System in Green Building. Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 10: 249-252

2、  Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Thermal Stratification Phenomenon in Large Space Building. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2007, 14: 61-65

3、  铀矿区放射性核素氡在大气中的迁移研究.安全与环境学报,2010,10(3): 103-106

4、  铀矿区居民室内氡污染水平调查与原因分析.环境污染与防治,2010,32(6): 15-18

5、  水环热泵空调系统在某办公建筑中的应用.节能技术, 2010, 28(2): 134-136

6、  湖南某高校办公建筑空调系统的能耗模拟与分析.中外建筑, 2016,9: 169-170

7、  基于Ecotect的住宅建筑自然采光模拟分析. 家具与室内装饰, 2016, 9: 104-105

8、  燃气锅炉烟气热损失及冷凝余热回收.煤气与热力, 2010,30(6): A04-A07

9、  燃油锅炉烟气冷凝余热回收技术探讨. 建筑热能通风空调, 2010, 29(3): 78-80


1、  国家自然科学基金项目:基于不确定理论和蒙特卡罗模拟的铀矿区气载放射性核素健康风险评价(11205054),项目经费:25万,主持,2013.01-2015.12

2、  湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目:基于多因素协同效应的外呼吸双层通风幕墙非稳态热特性研究(13A001),项目经费:6万,主持,2013-2016

3、  湖南省自然科学基金青年项目:通风双层幕墙热流耦合分析及其对室内热环境的影响(12JJ4042),项目经费:3万,主持,2012.01-2014.12

4、  湖南省科技计划项目:夏热冬冷地区通风双层幕墙动态热特性及节能设计策略研究(2012WK3040),项目经费:4万,主持,2013.01-2014.12


1、  湖南省科学技术进步奖二等奖:工业厂房环境污染高效治理关键技术及应用. 2014.1,排名第七

2、  中国包装总公司科学技术二等奖(部级):铀矿井通风尾气放射性污染的数值模拟与控制研究. 2009.2,排名第四

3、  中国包装总公司科学技术二等奖(部级):高大空间多射流湍流场大涡模拟研究. 2005.1,排名第四

Name: Wang Zhiyong

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: --, 1978

Place of Birth: Jining, Shandong

Political Status: Member of Chinese Communist Party

Academic Title: Professor, Supervisor of Master Candidate

Official Position: Vice Dean of the School of Civil Engineering

Honorary Title:

Cultivation Recipient of Young Elite Teachers in Hunan Province

Young Champion at Teaching in Hunan Colleges and Universities

Excellent Communist Party Member in Education System, Hunan Province

Teaching / Research Field:

Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Building Energy Conservation,

Theory and Technology of Eco-friendly Architecture,

Environmental Purification Technology

Honors and Academic Achievements:

Contributor of 69 published research papers, and 18 teaching research papers, 14 of which are included in SCI or EI citation databases;

Presiding over (or participating in) 5 research projects of national level;

Presiding over (or participating in) 12 research projects of provincial or ministerial level;

Presiding over (or participating in) 7 items of Provincial Teaching Research Project;

Presiding over (or participating in) 12 items of Collegiate Research Project;

Presiding over (or participating in) 4 items of Provincial Quality Project;

Presiding over (or participating in) 8 items of Collegiate Quality Project;

Thrice winner of the second prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of provincial or ministerial level;

Twice winner of the first prize of Teaching Achievement Award;

Awarded other prizes for teaching achievements;

Other 23 honorary titles include: Civilized Individual, Civilized Exemplar, Excellent Party Member, Teaching Rookie of the Year, Teaching Star, etc.